Thursday, March 20, 2008

Taking a break from work...

I haven't been blogging, shame on me! But I promise to write more... or at least, will try... Some of you may not know yet but... I AM PREGNANT AGAIN!

We are expecting a Baby Boy!!! We are all excited for the news and honestly so glad to be back at home with my 3 year old... I have been really busy getting ready for this baby, now I have a new hobby: Sewing and Crocheting LOL!!!! yeah... just like grandma! This baby boy is driving me nutsy, I am so in love with him already and he is making me create all kinds of pretty things for him. I been sewing my heart out that I have decided to make a new blog just about handmade stuff: Come and visit one of these days and see what I am up to :)

I will be updating this blog about the progress of my pregnancy. This time around I am doing a homebirth - a water homebirth!!! So stay tuned for more news...

4 proofreaders making corrections!!!:

Susana on April 22, 2008 at 4:41 AM said...

HI Enith,

I found your blog today and as a blogger of Latin American descent and a homebirther, I am very excited to "meet" you.

I think that is wonderful that you are planning on a homebirth. I have a site that you might find beneficial.

I also enjoyed seeing some of the items that you have made. You are very creative. I also enjoy sewing and making things. You can get to know me better if you'd like by visiting my other blog

It is funny that I found you by chance as I have been thinking that I would like to find other Latina homebirthing and/or homeschooling moms.

enithhernandez on April 23, 2008 at 12:15 AM said...

Nice to 'meet' you Susana! :) thanks so much for stopping by.... I LOVE your blog! I was homeschooling at first but then I had to go back to work for financial reasons, it was heartbreaking :(

You have so many blogs, how can you keep up with all of them? I can't barely keep my 2 updated...

Anyways, I will love to keep in touch...


Susana on April 23, 2008 at 1:57 AM said...

Hi Enith,
Thanks for responding to my post. I am glad you like my blog. It is time consuming so it is nice to know it is enjoyed.

Unfortunately, I keep up on "my stuff" by not getting enough sleep! It is such a bad habit!

I am sorry that you had to go back to work. We have struggeld financially most of our marriage because of my staying home, and because we have soo many kids:)

So many times I have felt I needed to work, but my husband always insists I stay home. He always has more faith than me that God will provide and that we'll get by.

We have definately sacrificed.

Will you be able to stay home after this baby is born?

I don't know if you noticed it on my Susan's Homespun Life blog, but I think you'd like the Oh Que Pretty website that I link to on one of my blogs. She is an artist and decorates these little boxes beautifully. She also has these spanglish sayings that are funny

God bless, may you have a wonderful pregnancy and the birth that you desire.

enithhernandez on April 29, 2008 at 8:55 PM said...

Hi Susana! :) I been totally MIA working on some massive amounts of cloth diapers for the new man :) You asked me "
Will you be able to stay home after this baby is born?" yes!!!! I will be staying at home for at least 3 years after the baby is born... There is no way I'll put my baby on a daycare I would not forgive myself... It is great when you have a supportive husband, it does make a BIG difference :)

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