Monday, August 3, 2009

Body After Baby Challenge - Update

Unfortunately, I have not been so good lately! NO EXCUSES! Though I do want to say that I had my mom and niece visiting from Panama and we went out almost every day and I just couldn't resist the temptations! I did try to eat the healthiest possible, most of the time I made smart choices but I did had some cake and pizza for my birthday. Oh well...

oops sorry! picture taken with my camera phone!

I may have lost a couple of pounds about 2 weeks ago but it seems that I've gained them back and I am still in my pre-BAB weight, sighssss! I did make the effort to go veggie during all this time, since I've been wanting to go veggie for a long time. I manage to eat chicken only one day, and that is GOOD! Though I think soy products are making me sick, I decided that I am not going to buy anymore of that and just eat as much raw foods as I can instead of processed fake-meats!

I also stopped working out (NOT GOOD!) but I am determined to get back in track and stay positive. I CAN do this!

3 proofreaders making corrections!!!:

Chanda the Eco-Cheap Mom on August 3, 2009 at 8:22 AM said...

You CAN do this! Just take it one day at a time. And cake and pizza on your birthday...totally fine! My key is watching portion size, just don't eat as much. Good luck!

Elizabeth on August 3, 2009 at 12:21 PM said...

You can absolutely do this! We still have 5 weeks left and that's plenty of time to make a change!

Katie on August 3, 2009 at 5:24 PM said...

I had a super bad week last week also - but we can definitely refocus and work hard. There's plenty of time left!

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