Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I created this video because I really care about the environment. I want to help to create a better environment for my children and their children! Music by Breaking Benjamin :)

Public transportation produces 95 percent less carbon monoxide (CO) and 90 percent less in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and nearly 50 percent less carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx), per passenger mile than private vehicles, according to APTA. (American Public Transportation Association)

Washington, D.C. - In honor of Earth Day, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) reminds Americans of the role public transportation plays to help the environment. This message is especially timely when most states cannot meet air quality standards, gasoline prices are at an all-time high, and Congress is debating a six-year transportation investment bill.

"Each year, Earth Day ought to be an impetus for more Americans to use public transportation to reduce air pollution and conserve fuel," said William W. Millar, president of APTA. "Earth Day 2004 reminds us that Congress can help the environment and expand travel options for all Americans by passing a robust public transportation investment package."

Last week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) informed 474 counties in 32 states that they failed to meet new federal air quality standards for ground-level ozone. This is sad news for the 159 million Americans who live in these areas. Far worse, these 32 states are now at risk of losing federal transportation funding for new transit systems and roads if they cannot meet EPA's standards within the next three years.

This week, the American Automobile Association announced gas prices have reached all-time highs on local, statewide and national levels.

"With gasoline prices at record highs, many Americans are finding that mobility is becoming very costly," Millar said. "For daily commuters, people on fixed incomes, and low wage earners, these increasing costs are a real hardship."

To underscore these points, Millar referred to a 2002 study that showed increasing public transportation use is the most effective, and possibly the only way to improve air quality and reduce energy consumption without new taxes, government mandates or regulations. The study found that even small increases in transit usage would help many major U.S. cities meet EPA's air quality standards, and if one in ten Americans used public transportation regularly, U.S. reliance on foreign oil could be cut by more than 40 percent (the amount of oil we import from Saudi Arabia every year).

"A commitment to use public transportation one more day a week would make a dramatic and measurable difference in the planet's environment and in the health of many Americans," Millar said. "Transit is one of the vital solutions to our environmental and economic challenges."

"In the coming weeks, Congress will address a new six-year transportation funding bill that will affect the quality of life for all Americans," Millar said. "The decisions that will be made about transit funding will influence the quality of our air, the time we spend in traffic, and the cost of our freedom and mobility for many years ahead."

"Let's make Earth Day the start of a new national commitment to transit and a cleaner environment through increased investment in public transportation."

Information taken from:

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